

  作为目前中国服务外包领域层次最高、影响最大、内容最丰富、成效最显著的活动之一,本次大会将通过举办高峰论坛、专题研讨、展览展示和专场对接等一系列活 动,深入探讨全球服务外包发展新趋势,中国服务外包产业发展前沿热点等问题,加快推动中外合作,积极帮助中国服务外包企业提升承接业务和开拓国内外市场能 力,努力实现各方共赢。

  近年来,跨国公司正加速把服务环节从制造业中剥离出来,服务外包产业进入快速发展时期。据预测,未来几年全球服务外包市场将以每年30%-40%的速度增长,并重点向中国等新兴市场转移。 诚挚欢迎跨国公司管理人员、权威外包专家、国际发包企业、接包企业及相关专业机构人士莅临大会,共襄盛举。


  海外组团参加好处多   应中国贸促会邀请,IT资深人协会和加华IT协会牵头,召集感兴趣的海外企业和人员一同组团参加,这样不但可以获得项目推介、关系引荐等方面的帮助,而且还可享受会议期间的免费食宿、展台和当地交通服务。   凡加入我们的海外代表团成员,在会议期间(6月18、19和20日晚)免费住宿酒店,报名参展的海外代表团每家企业都将获得3米X3米规格的免费展位,部分参展企业可选择支付少量特装费扩展和升级展位。


  目前由IT资深人协会和加华IT协会牵头的海外代表团已经有多家企业报名参加,希望有兴趣者尽快报名,咨询或提交报名表:   Dr. Guan, email: lianguan@acsip.org, Tel: 1-647-299-8347






ACSIP Newsletter 《有资有位》 新鲜出炉!


我们的协会已经走过了5个年头,大大小小的活动举办了真不少。2011年的某日,几位理事在总结过去的时候,都觉得协会需要有自己的Newsletter。虽然我们有自己的网站,有自己的论坛,有LinkedIn Group,有Facebook Page,但我们想通过Newsletter在广大会员中传达更深的体会,激起更深的思考,也许还能带来更深的交流。








  “人 才比项目更重要,引智比引资更重要”,这句话是时任杭州市市长蔡奇在2009浙江·杭州国际人才交流与合作大会期间同包括加拿大IT资 深人协会在内的海外社团组织及高层次留学人员代表座谈时讲的。不到一年,现已任职浙江省省委组织部部长的蔡奇便亲自带领浙江省海外高层次人才招聘及考察团 来到包括多伦多在内的北美地区进行考察洽谈,用行动来落实他自己的讲话。

      此次活动由浙江省人民政府主办,浙江省人才工作办公室、浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅组织。在交流考察期间,浙江省代表团向在多伦多地区的高层 次留学人才宣传、推介浙江的经济社会发展情况和人才创新创业环境;宣传浙江省最新吸引海外高层次人才政策,发布2010浙江省引进海外高层次人才和科技项 目需求信息。

      加拿大浙江商会和加拿大IT资深人协会于八月二十九日晚共同举办了多伦多地区欢迎浙江省海外高层次人才交流考察团晚宴暨多伦多海外高层次人才 代表交流恳谈会。座谈会邀请了大多地区来自IT、金融、医学、电子、通讯、汽车等领域的专家和企业家,也吸引了包括多大博士生在内的众多高级专业人士参 加。大家欢聚一堂,围绕如何加强科技和人才交流合作,更好地吸引海外高层次人才来浙江创业及工作进行了热烈的讨论。
      在听取了大家的发言后,蔡奇部长表示,中国走科技和人才发展经济的路子,特别需要广揽高科技、高技能人才,特别希望“海外军团”加盟出力。浙 江省政府及相关部门会千方百计让“海外军团”在浙江创业生活称心如意、如愿以偿。各地各部门会尽力帮助海归人才的项目顺利落地,兑现政府资助、与民资对 接,推荐风投机构。






2009 Hangzhou International Talent Conference 2














China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference 2009 (CISOCC)

 Hosted by

Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government

China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT)

Supported by

Ministry of Commerce, People’s Republic of China

Organized by

Nanjing Municipal People’s Government

Department of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, Jiangsu

China Council for International Investment Promotion

Economic and Information Department, CCPIT

CCPIT Jiangsu Sub-council


Cooperation for Win-win in the face of Crisis


23-24 June 2009


Nanjing International Exposition Centre, Nanjing · Jiangsu · P.R.CHINA


Globalization and the upcoming global economy slowdown push more and more companies to outsource their non-core business to cost-effective countries. China’s service industry has witnessed rapid development in recent years and become one of the most dynamic sectors in China. For example, Information Technology Outsourcing and Business Process Outsourcing create numerous opportunities for companies home and abroad. As an important service outsourcing base of China, Jiangsu Province has enacted many favorable policies in land, tax, labor and other related aspects, and got ready for developing the service sector, where gathers many service outsourcing providers. The 2nd China International Service Outsourcing Cooperation Conference will be held in Nanjing, the capital city of Jiangsu, which is one of the eleven “Chinese Service Outsourcing Base Cities” designated by the Chinese central

government. The Conference will include a series of activities: Global Service Outsourcing Summit, Outsourcing Exhibition, Service Outsourcing Business Match-making Meetings (by sectors), Jiangsu Service Outsourcing Base Cities Introduction Meetings, Special Seminars and Forums, etc.


Related Government Departments, officials
International & domestic related industrial associations and institutions, experts

International & domestic service outsourcing buyers, decision makers

Service providers, decision makers

Software Parks & Universities, experts and representatives
Third-party consultant firms, consultants

Main Sectors

Information Technology


Cartoon and Animation

Industry Design

Financial Services


(1)   Tuesday, 23 June 2009

09:00-09:45  Opening Ceremony

10:00-12:00  Global Service Outsourcing Summit 2009

12:00-14:00  Luncheon

14:00-17:00  Service Outsourcing Business Match-making Meetings

14:30-16:00  China Outsourcing Model City Annual Meeting

(2)   Wednesday, 24 June 2009

09:00-11:00  Service Outsourcing Leading Enterprises Forum

09:00-11:00  Service Outsourcing Celebrity Forum

0:00-11:00  Symposium on Construction of China Service Outsourcing Model Zones

09:00-12:00  Symposium on Business Startup & Investment of Middle and Small Sized Service Outsourcing Enterprises

12:00-14:00  Luncheon

14:00-16:00  Service Outsourcing Business Match-making Meetings (IT services, Biomedicine, Cartoon & Animation, Industry design, Financial services…)

14:00-17:00  Symposium on Protection of IPR and Information Security

(3) 23-24 June 2009

Exhibition of Service Outsourcing Companies and Outsourcing Base Citie

For more information, please contact Mr.Liu Shuo, Economic Information Department of CCPIT. Tel: +86 10 88075766, Mobile: +86 13910203118, Fax: +86 10 68030747, Email: liushuo@ccpit.org


New Service: partnership with Linkedin

Here is a great service we offer exclusively to our ACSIP memberships: we’ve partnered with LinkedIn LinkedIn to enable every member to search for other members’ profiles and contact them without exposing their personal emails and phone numbers ( and you can decide whether other members can directly contact you). This service gives all members equal access to our group resources without scarifying members’ privacy (comparing to practices such as publishing our member contact list). In addition, internal job openings or business opportunities contributed by group members and from ACSIP partners can be sent to people with matching skill sets (if they indicate such interests)�� again, this is a service exclusive to our members, and thus it’s impossible for 3rd party unsolicited parties to contact you through this service.

Different from the traditional linked-in services that you might have heard of or have already been using, this Linked-in group service restricts the direct connection exclusively to our group members. As a summary, this service enables our members to :

  • Search and contact each other directly
  • View other members’ profiles (information can be detailed to include professional history and endorsements)
  • Present yourself in a personal manner and expose yourself to a wide but relevant audience
  • Leverage members’ personal connections beyond ACSIP through personal referrals (for example, I personally have 39 direct connections and 14,000+ 2nd level connections in IT, Telecom, ERP, Consulting, Venture Capital and many other different fields that you can leverage if we are connected)

To join the group, simply click on this url: https://www.linkedin.com/e/gis/2561/660CEA21353A/. If you are already a Linked-in member, you will be accepted automatically upon login (if you encounter a problem, most likely you are using a different email address in Linked-in, so please let us know and we will update it). If you do not have a Linkedin account yet, please register one and fill in your profile��that’s how people can find you for jobs, business opportunities, technical discussions or personal communications.

Last but not least, if you invite your trusted friends to join the group (simply by sending the above link), they will enjoy the same benefits upon our approval.


ZTE, China’s Second Largest Telecommunications Equipment Maker, start to sponsor ACSIP.

ZTE Canada Inc. announced today that it joined sponsorship in support of the first event organized by ACSIP. Mr. Lu, one of the founders of ACSIP, welcomed ZTE’s sponsorship as sponsorships from prestigious Chinese companies fulfills one of ACSIP’s missions: to build a senior IT consultant network on which information between China and North America can be exchanged freely. As Mr. Yabin Xing, CEO of ZTE Canada put it,”For Chinese IT businesses that want to operate globally, gaining access to a trusted network of senior Chinese IT professionals oversea could bring important strategic advantages”.

ZTE is a prominent Chinese telecommunication equipment vendor and wireless solutions provider, with shares publicly traded on both Hong Kong Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. ZTE recorded the contract sales of approximately USD 4.1 billion (RMB 34 billion) in 2004. For company’s detail, please visit www.ztecanada.com.
