到底什么是比特币和区块链?IT资深人协会特别邀请资深IT人及比特币爱好者江磊为大家顺着 Electronic Coin -> Transaction -> Block Chain -> Distributed Consensus -> Computation-based Trust 的思路,深度解读比特币的核心概念。
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Sun, 23 April 2017
1:30 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
Stanford International College(斯坦福IT培训中心)
930 Progress Ave
Scarborough, ON M1G 3T5
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Lei Jiang holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor degree in Finance from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law from China. Lei currently works at Mackenzie Investments, where he is responsible for fulfilling data and system infrastructure needs of the Asset Allocation Team, in portfolio construction, risk management, research and analytics processes. Before joining Mackenzie, Lei worked at one of Canada’s largest public pension plans in several roles with increasing responsibilities. Lei started his journey in Bitcoin from late 2013, and quickly converted himself to a Blockchain tech early adopter and proponent. In addition to his passions in technology, Lei has a strong interest in Taoism and Traditional Chinese Medicine.