CPMP September Event – Practical Agile Project Management

Data/Time: Sunday, September 26, 2010, 1PM to 5PM
Location: North York Civic Center, Committee Room #3
PDU: 3

In a world of high customer expectations, quick turn-around and tighter budgets how can projects sustain and deliver? Agile Methodology is touted to be one way of delivering projects in a world of expectations and in a tighter economic situation. This topic will explore what is Agile development? How to manage and deliver projects in Agile manner. Furthermore, this topic will explore some additional success factors for Agile methodology such as Leadership agility, Agile Spaces etc. In the later panel session, Larry will use a real business case to introduce concurrent product development system in the process engineering. Then Vijay, Larry, John and Shenyin will discuss agile related topics, such as, Change management and resistance, major challenges, Agile phases and Leading self-organizing team.

Keynote speaker:
Vijay Chander – Senior Program Manager at Rogers Communication Inc.

Panel Members:
Vijay Chander
– Senior Program Manager at Rogers Communication Inc.
Larry Zhou – P. Eng, Director of Operations at Inertia Engineering
John Wang – Agile Project Manager at one of the largest software companies
ShenYin – EMBA, Senior Project Management Consultant &Trainer

Facilitator: Howard Huang

1:00PM: Registration &Networking
1:15PM: Keynote presentation – Vijay
3:00PM: Break
3:15PM: Panel session – Vijay, Larry, John, Shenyin
4:55PM: Thank you note
5:00PM: Event Closes

Registration: Please send email to event@cpmpac.org to register this event or go to (http://www.cpmpac.org)
CPMP Member: Free
Non-CPMP Member: $10 (Waive if join CPMP onsite; CPMP Membership fee is $20/year)

Speakers Bio:
Vijay Chander
is a Certified Project Management Professional and leader with 9+ years of experience in program/project management, software implementation, and process re-engineering. Extensive experience in full lifecycle project management, quality assurance, business continuity, performance management. He has worked over 12 years in Telecommunication industry. Prior to Telecommunications,  Vijay has also worked for Metro Toronto Zoo (not behind the cages) as an Assistant Curator on Butterfly conservation project,   Tropical Rain Forests of  the Philippines and India on various Conservation projects involving habitat development, wildlife management, community development and Community forestry projects.

Larry Zhou is currently Director, Operations of Inertia Engineering + Design.  Inertia is an Engineering consulting company specialized in automotive, consumer product, and alternative energy industry.  At Inertia, Larry helps build and implements a concurrent product development system.  This system is practical and real world thinking.  By facilitating the complete product development process through collaboration, data management and project management, Inertia continues to positions its customers as leaders in their industries. Concurrent engineering has become an integral part of IE+D’s business model and continues to be a critical success factor in the growth of Inertia Engineering + Design. 

John Wang is an experienced agile project manager in the IT industry. He is a strong believer of lean and agile principles. He has 15 years of professional experiences with diversified industry exposure. Mr. Wang obtained his PMP designation in 2005 and has been an active member of PMI-SOC and CPMP since then. He is currently mentoring and coaching teams on lean transformation in one of the largest business software companies.

Shenyin – Well-known Senior Consultant & Trainer for Project management from China


秋“高”气爽 ,以球会友

GOLF= 绿色 (Green) + 氧气(Oxygen) + 阳光(Light) + 友谊(Friendship)

夏天说走就走了。IT 资深人协会联合清华大学校友会及浙江大学校友会于9月26日下午在风景优美的 Bloomington Downs Golf Club举办了第二届Golf活动,包括挥杆练习和下场打球。此次活动既让初学者来体验了一下高尔夫的魅力,也让有打球经验的会员们下场切磋。正如活动前 所说,18洞下来,有的会员还有聊不够的话题,自己找地方继续交流了。







  “人 才比项目更重要,引智比引资更重要”,这句话是时任杭州市市长蔡奇在2009浙江·杭州国际人才交流与合作大会期间同包括加拿大IT资 深人协会在内的海外社团组织及高层次留学人员代表座谈时讲的。不到一年,现已任职浙江省省委组织部部长的蔡奇便亲自带领浙江省海外高层次人才招聘及考察团 来到包括多伦多在内的北美地区进行考察洽谈,用行动来落实他自己的讲话。

      此次活动由浙江省人民政府主办,浙江省人才工作办公室、浙江省人力资源和社会保障厅组织。在交流考察期间,浙江省代表团向在多伦多地区的高层 次留学人才宣传、推介浙江的经济社会发展情况和人才创新创业环境;宣传浙江省最新吸引海外高层次人才政策,发布2010浙江省引进海外高层次人才和科技项 目需求信息。

      加拿大浙江商会和加拿大IT资深人协会于八月二十九日晚共同举办了多伦多地区欢迎浙江省海外高层次人才交流考察团晚宴暨多伦多海外高层次人才 代表交流恳谈会。座谈会邀请了大多地区来自IT、金融、医学、电子、通讯、汽车等领域的专家和企业家,也吸引了包括多大博士生在内的众多高级专业人士参 加。大家欢聚一堂,围绕如何加强科技和人才交流合作,更好地吸引海外高层次人才来浙江创业及工作进行了热烈的讨论。
      在听取了大家的发言后,蔡奇部长表示,中国走科技和人才发展经济的路子,特别需要广揽高科技、高技能人才,特别希望“海外军团”加盟出力。浙 江省政府及相关部门会千方百计让“海外军团”在浙江创业生活称心如意、如愿以偿。各地各部门会尽力帮助海归人才的项目顺利落地,兑现政府资助、与民资对 接,推荐风投机构。




