“工欲善其事,必先利其器。”此言同样适用于大数据的学习与应用。通过我们成功举办的两次大数据讲座,广大会员不但对大数据的发展和价值有了具体深刻的认识,而且详细了解了Kerry, Shaohua及Kevin等大数据科学家们的工作与前途,更是燃起了学习大数据的热情。为了将大家的热情转化为行动,IT资深人协会荣幸地邀请到来自IBM Analytics的大数据专家Leo Wu和Polong Lin,通过现场演示为大家介绍大数据分析工具与应用案例。此次活动也得到了IBM Big Data University的大力协助。
Big Data University and Toronto Meetup
- How to have a systematic study of Big Data
- Data Scientist Tool – Data Scientist Workbench (DSWB)
- Case Studies/ Demo for DSWB
Hand-on Spark Fundamentals
- How to quickly analyze weather data
- and more
日期: 2015年12月6日(周日)
时间:下午1:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
地点: IBM Canada Headquarters
Room B102
3600 Steeles Av East
Markham, ON L3R 9Z7
Leo Wu is Advisory Software Engineer at IBM Toronto Lab and participated in architect, design, development of datascientistworkbench.com which is a SaaS based on micro-services. He has more than 12 years of experience in IT architecture, development, deployment and management, including C/C++, Java, iOS development. He is interested in all innovative and emerging technologies in Cloud/Big Data, closely following cutting-edge tech. He was a speaker at IBM Insights Conference this year at Las Vegas. He was also a designated mentor at the IBM Datapalooza event at San Francisco recently.
Polong Lin is a Data Scientist at IBM Canada. He is creating data science content for Big Data University (www.BigDataUniversity.com), where you can learn about big data, data science and analytic technologies using hands-on exercises. Topics include, Spark, Hadoop, Python, R, NoSQL databases.
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