9. 艺不压身


Sierra Club*的IT总监Dave Simon认为:让他在职场前进的其中一个因素是他成为CPA(Certified Public Accountant-美国注册会计师),而这是在他的老板鼓励下达到的。


Sapphire(前文提过)的Howell说,他自费上了Worcester Polytechnic Institute的高科技MBA课程。他这样说:“我不断地给自己加码,让自己在多方面发展。”

*The Sierra Club’s members and supporters are more than 1.3 million of your friends and neighbors. Inspired by nature, we work together to protect our communities and the planet. The Club is America’s oldest, largest and most influential grassroots environmental organization. About the club, you can visit: http://www.sierraclub.org .

注:本文是作者根据Dan Tynan的“20 ways to get promoted in the tech industry”改写的,特此声明。
