前百度首席科学家吴恩达曾说“大脑能在一秒内完成的任何工作,都会被AI取代”;在国内,AI已写入政府工作报告;国际上,Google、Facebook、Microsoft、IBM、Apple、Amazon等科技巨头都已广泛布局AI领域。连加拿大政府也不甘示弱,最近宣布联合30家公司机构投入1.25亿加币巨资支持刚刚在多伦多成立的Vector学院,并趁机吸引深度学习之父Geoffrey Hinton回来做顾问力求在AI方面的新突破。




  • Uncover the deep learning myth
  • AlphaGO and reinforcement learning
  • Computer vision (Demo)
  • Natural Language Processing (Demo)
  • Logistic regression classifier using TensorFlow (Demo)
  • Style transfer using deep learning and TensorFlow (Demo)
  • Current state of AI and its limitations
  • How to participate in the big wave

日期: 2017年5月14日(周日)

时间:下午1:30 –  4:00 (1点可以入场,1:30准时开始)


地点: IBM  Amphitheater, 8200 Warden Ave (Map)

Markham, ON L6G 1C7

活动免费,座位有限,请于5月10日前点击文末“原文链接”或者“Read more”登录网址报名(先注先得)。

注意:注册者请提前打印Eventbrite Ticket前往会场,没有注册者不能保证入场。


Alex Aklson is a data scientist in the Digital Business Group at IBM Canada. Before joining IBM, Alex worked as a data scientist at Datascope Analytics, a data science consulting firm in Chicago, IL. Alex received his Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Toronto.

Joseph Santarcangelo has a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, his research focused on using machine learning, signal processing, and computer vision to determine how videos impact human cognition. Joseph has been working for IBM since he completed his Ph.D.

Kent Yu is a software architect and certified Scrum Master, working for a world leading software company serving Fortune 500 clients. He is also an entrepreneur who founded and sold 2 startups. He is a co-founder of ACSIP, an association with 2000+ Chinese IT professionals. Kent possesses an MBA degree and a Computer Science degree. He studied Deep Learning from Jeremy Howard, former Kaggle president and chief data scientist. Kent proves with his own experiences that IT professionals without prior AI background can learn how to build state-of-art deep learning models that beat the best academic results.
